Monday, May 11, 2009

Westward Ho!

Begun, this road trip has.

I traveled today through Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, and Missouri, the latter two of which I have never seen before. Currently, I’m reclining in a bed belonging to a girl between the ages of 9 and 14. Her father is the pastor of a church here in Columbia, MO, who has been quite hospitable to me, not only through the provision of this room but also through the extension of a couple of quite good chocolate chip cookies and an interesting bit of conversation. His daughter is away, so I am enjoying the benefit of her pastel green-and-purple bedroom for the night.
This post will have to be devoid of pictures, I’m afraid, as well as somewhat abbreviated, due to my road-induced weariness. When I get to Custer, I’ll install my photo software and put together some sort of photo gallery of the trip here. For now, I’ll allow a brief recounting of the day to suffice. I began early, at 5 AM by slow time clocks. After driving for about four hours, I ran into an old friend in Kentucky. Like any good hobbit leaving the shire, I decided to stop for second breakfast with her. I drove over a bridge to her opposite shore and found a nice little pavilion by her bank. It seemed odd that she was still called the Tennessee River in Kentucky, but better that than her being the Kentucky River back in Chattanooga. After assuring myself that there were no guerrilla fighters of either Israeli or Arabic sympathies on this West Bank, I hopped out of the car, ate a few bites, and took some pictures of an amusing scene which I shan’t recount until I can do so with photographic aid.
After returning to the car, I drove to Illinois. The state has apparently suffered an awful tornado which has knocked out power to a sprawling area. I was dismayed to learn this fact as I stopped at a deserted gas station, in need of some fuel but unable to procure any. That put the score at Mother Nature: 1, Me: 0. After a good bit of searching, I found a gas station powered by generator. Now the game’s all tied up, Ma Nature. The ball’s in your court.
I’d never been to Illinois before. I liked it well enough. It was a bit too flat to make me want to live there, but the farms were all small and attractive, and the state had quite a few nice suspension bridges. Missouri is even flatter, and without the nice bridges. However, the people seem nicer in Missouri, and the Show Me State also boasts the city of Saint Louis, a most interesting little town with some famous mosaics, moderate traffic, overpriced parking, and incredible pita bread. I rather liked it. I shall have to post at some length later about St. Louie, but that will also have to wait until I have photo capability. Suffice it to say that I visited the arch, which seemed appropriate since I am embarking on my own Westward Expansion; I frolicked about a bit in the Cathedral; and I ate the only good stuffed grape leaves I’ve ever had.
I headed out from St. Louis for the center of the state. After arriving at the wrong house and demanding to be let in to a stranger’s home, I found the house in which I am currently staying in Columbia, Missouri. I hope I didn’t frighten the first house overmuch, but I have a feeling that I was the more frightened one in that confrontation. Still, all’s well that ends well and I am here now, happy, safe, and ready for a good night’s sleep. I’m going to be staying tomorrow at a farmhouse on the outskirts of Lennox, SD, so it may be Wednesday night or later before I find some dependable internet access. Thanks to all of you who have written to me with your love and support. When I get a dependable connection, I’ll send you all emails or some other cyber-communication. Until then, Peace and Grace.


  1. I am glad that I did not know last night that you had gone to the wrong house. Mom's worry, you know.

    Safe journey today to South Dakota and I hope the bar-b-q in Kansas City lives up to Bobby Flay's recommendation.

  2. Your former co-worker Eric and I (his trusty sidekick) will likely be traveling to St. Louis soon. Thank you for the description.

    Safe trip.


  3. Very interesting blog. Julie and I have "bookmarked" you. Can't wait to hear more tales of your travels.

    -Doug H.

  4. Sounds like you are off to a roaring start - enjoying your travel tales very much. Just remember, you can't fool Mother Nature - so, try to stay on her good side.
    Be safe - have fun - soak it all in.
    Love you - Aunt Stacey

  5. Your small group already misses you! Thanks for sharing the blog with us. Traveling mercies!
    Mel & Chris

  6. ok - i am having withdrawals already - write an entry, we're dying to know how it's going!
