Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Few Thousand Words, Part 3

Here are some snapshots of my life around here.

This, my friends, is Kenyan air-conditioning:

These guys are part of a local futbol ministry that plays on the field most days while I'm walking home:

This is low-end Kenyan housing, with high-end housing in the background.

I won't tell you why there's broken glass lining the top of my wall, because it would freak my mom out. But if you've traveled in a developing country at all, you've probably seen this before.

This is the piki-piki that brought me home:

I. Love. Skeleton Keys. Whenever I open my front door here, I'm six percent sure that Narnia is going to be on the other side.

This is a little gazebo that I happened upon, built on the back corner of a nearby shamba. It appeals to me greatly, although I'm not sure why.

This weeping willow is right beside the path that leads from our compound to school, and it cheers me every morning. I've always loved willows. I think that's mostly because willows are clearly the trees most likely to be haunted by dryads. And probably because of Grandmother Willow, too.

Right now, we're nearing the end of the dry spell between the long rains and the short rains. The land is at its driest, and there's dust everywhere to prove it. Yet plant life here just runs riot, even during this season. Flowers are everywhere, which suits me just fine.

I think we've just come through calving season around here. There are several young 'uns running around, including this guy, who is hanging out by the college dorms. What a frat daddy.

Chai! It's milky, sweet, vanilla'd, and delicious.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you like willows because they're "Mysterious and beautiful...Wait! Because they're wise! One can be both!"
